



Legendary Motorhead founder and all-round rock legend Lemmy took rock ‘n’ roll excess to whole new levels during his action-packed life. The man who was once a roadie for Jimi Hendrix and according to his own recollections slept with over 1,000 women, took alcohol consumption and drug taking to epic new heights.

Such was his predisposition for hard liquor, legend has it, he was refused a blood transfusion back in the early eighties after his Doctor determined that his juice was so toxic his body would reject a clean dose and ultimately leave him dead.

Such was his predisposition for hard liquor, legend has it, he was refused a blood transfusion back in the early eighties after his Doctor determined that his juice was to toxic

And that’s what a bottle of Jack Daniels a day will do you for, yes, Lemmy drank a bottle a day from the age of 30, chained smoked for every waking hour and took copious amounts of drugs. In his later years having finally succumbed to ill health he switched to vodka and orange – for obvious reasons. It’s a miracle in itself he made it to 70.

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